Christian Denominations 2024

Catholic Diocese of Jelgava 2025

Churches         (1)     (2)
Aknīste sv. Ignatius of Roman Catholic Church of St.
Auces. Teresia of the Child Jesus Roman Catholic Church
Barbeles Rome - Catholic parish
Bauskas Vissv. Sacrament Roman - Catholic Church
Bebrene St. John the Baptist in Roman Catholic Church
Bēnes in Rome - Catholic Parish of
St. Brunava St. John the Baptist Roman Catholic Church
Budberga Vissv. Trinity Roman Catholic Church
Cibuļovka Rome - Catholic parish
Demenes Heart of Jesus Roman Catholic Church
Dobeles Vissv. Trinity Rome - Catholic prayer house
Dunava st. Joseph of Roman Catholic Church St.
Dvietes Stanislav's Roman - Catholic Church
Eglaine J. Maria's Church Mother Roman - Catholic Church
Eleja Roman - Catholic Parish
The Ascension of Lord Jesus in Elerne, Roman Catholic Church of
Erberge, Rome - Catholic Parish of
Gludas-Nákotne, Rome - Catholic Parish of
St. Grendze. St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
Grivas St. Virgin Mary of Roman Catholic Church of
Iecavas of Rome - Catholic parish of
llūkste sv. Church of the name of J. Mary in
Īslīce, Rome - Catholic parish
of St. Janču. Roman Catholic Church of the Cross,
St. Jaunborne Roman Catholic Church of the Finding of the Cross, St.
Jaunjelgava Roman Catholic Church of the Cross, St.
Jaunsaules Konrāda Roman Catholic Church
Jēkabpils St. St. Mary's Birth of Roman Catholic Church
Kalnciems Christ the King of Roman Catholic Church
Kankaļi Roman - Catholic cemetery chapel
Kaplava St. Antona Romas - Catholic parish of
St. Kurmenes. St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church
Lamiņu St. Jura Romas - Catholic parish of
St. Lauceses. Peter and Paul's Roman Catholic Church in
St. Livbērze. Joseph of Roman Catholic Church
Medumu sv. St. John the Baptist in Roman Catholic Church
Misas in Roman Catholic Church
St. Nereta Spirit Roman - Catholic Church
Ozolaines St. Ignata Loyola Roman Catholic Church
Penkules Roman - Catholic Parish
Priedaines St. Bridget and St. Catherine of Siena, Rome - Catholic parish of
Ruba, Rome - Catholic parish of
St. Rubeņi. Peter and Paul Roman Catholic Church
Seces Roman Catholic Church
Silene J. Mary's Assumption Roman Catholic Church
Skaistkalne St. Church of the Assumption of J. Mary
Sproģi Roma - Catholic parish
Staļžene Roma - Catholic parish
Subates sv. Michael's Roman Catholic Church
Svente vsv. Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Trinity
Tukuma St. Stefana Roman Catholic Church
Valles Roman Catholic Church
Varnaviču St. J. Marija Church
Vecumnieku Roman Catholic Church
Viesīte Roman Catholic Church
Załenieki Roman Catholic Church
Zasa Roman Catholic Church
Zemgale Roma - Catholic prayer house
