Christian Denominations 2024

Catholic Archdiocese of Pamplona and Tudela 2024

Archdiocese of Pamplona and Tudela       (1)     (2)       (3)
Cathedral of the Assumption of Our Lady, Pamplona    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Cathedral of Our Lady of Solitude, Tudela    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of Our Lady of Le Puy, Estella    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Basilica of St. Francis Xavier, Javier    (1)     (2)       (3)    (4)     360
Churches    (1)     (2)
Church of St. Vincent, Abáigar
Church of St. Mary, Abárzuza
Church of St. Peter, Abaurregaina
Church of St. Martin, Abaurrepea/Abaurrea Baja
Church of St. John the Baptist, Aberin
Church of St. Peter, Abínzano
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Ablitas
Church of the Ascension, Acedo
Church of St. Andrew, Adiós
Church of St. Stephen, Adoáin
Church of St. Giles, Agorreta
Church of the Discovery of the Holy Cross, Aguilar de Codés
Church of St. Peter, Aguinaga de Iza
Church of St. Peter, Aibar
Church of St. Stephen, Aintzioa
Church of St. Andrew, Aizkorbe
Church of St. Agueda, Aizoáin
Church of St. Andrew, Aizpún
Church of the Transfiguration, Akerreta
Church of St. Lawrence, Albiasu
Church of the Ascension, Aldaba
Church of St. Martin, Aldatz
Church of St. Stephen, Alkotz
Church of St. John and St. Paul, Alli
Church of St. Mary, Allo
Church of St. Michael, Alloz
Church of St. Peter, Almandoz
Church of the Ascension, Altsasu/Alsasua
Church of St. Mary, Alzórriz
Church of St. Stephen, Alzuza
Church of the Ascension, Amaiur/Maya
Church of St. Stephen, Amátriain
Church of St. Roman, Amillano
Church of St. Faustus, Ancín
Church of Sts. Julian and Basilissa, Andosilla
Church of St. Andrew, Añézcar
Church of the Ascension, Aniz
Church of St. Thomas, Anocíbar
Church of the Ascension, Añorbe
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Anoz de Ezcabarte
Church of St. Blaise, Anoz de Ollo
Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Ansoáin/Antsoain
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Antxoritz
Church of St. Michael, Aoiz/Agoitz
Church of St. Stephen, Aós
Church of St. Sebastian, Aramendía
Church of the Ascension, Aranarache
Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Arandigoyen
Church of St. Vincent, Aranguren
Church of St. Martin, Arano
Church of the Assumption, Arantza
Church of St. Mary, Aras
Church of St. John the Baptist, Arazuri
Church of St. Martin, Arbeiza
Church of the Nativity of Mary, Arbizu
Church of St. Stephen, Arboniés
Church of St. Peter, Ardaitz
Church of St. Vincent, Ardanaz de Egüés
Church of St. Martin, Ardanaz de Izagaondoa
Church of St. Roman, Arellano
Church of the Ascension, Areso
Church of St. Stephen, Arguedas
Church of St. Martin, Arguiñano
Church of St. Martin, Arguiñáriz
Church of St. Andrew, Aria
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Aribe
Church of St. John the Baptist, Arístregui
Church of St. Peter, Aritzu
Church of St. Martin, Áriz
Church of St. Cecilia, Arizala
Church of St. Andrew, Arizaleta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Arizkun
Church of St. Martin, Arlegui
Church of St. Mary, Armañanzas
Church of the Ascension, Aróstegui
Church of the Ascension, Arraioz
Church of the Ascension, Arraitz-Orkin
Church of St. Michael, Arraiza
Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Arrarats
Church of St. Roman, Arre
Church of St. Michael, Arribe
Church of St. Lawrence, Arrieta
Church of the Holy Saviour, Arróniz
Church of the Ascension, Arruazu
Church of St. Christopher, Arruitz
Church of St. Martin, Artáiz
Church of the Ascension, Artajo
Church of St. Peter, Artajona
Church of St. John the Baptist, Artáriain
Church of St. Stephen, Artavia
Church of Our Lady of the Nativity, Artaza
Church of St. Martin, Artázcoz
Church of St. Michael, Artazu
Church of St. Nicholas, Arteaga
Church of the Holy Saviour, Arteta
Church of St. Marcellus, Artica
Church of St. Cornelius and St. Cyprian, Artieda
Church of St. Roman, Arzoz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Asarta
Church of the Ascension, Asiáin
Church of St. Clement, Aspurz
Church of St. Peter, Astitz
Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Astráin
Church of St. John the Baptist, Atallu
Church of St. Martin, Atondo
Church of St. Nicholas of Bari, Auritz/Burguete
Church of St. Bartholomew, Aurizberri/Espinal
Church of St. Martin, Auza
Church of St. John the Baptist, Ayechu
Church of St. Martin, Ayegui
Church of St. Andrew, Ayesa
Church of the Holy Saviour, Azagra
Church of St. Martin, Azanza
Church of St. Martin, Azcona
Church of St. Stephen, Azkarate
Church of St. Lawrence, Azoz
Church of St. Martin, Azpa
Church of St. Martin, Azparren
Church of St. Andrew, Azpilkueta
Church of St. Stephen, Azpirotz
Church of St. Peter, Ázqueta
Church of St. George, Azuelo
Church of St. Michael, Badostáin
Church of St. John the Baptist, Bakaiku
Church of St. Peter, Ballariáin
Church of St. John the Baptist, Baquedano
Church of St. Michael, Baraibar
Church of St. Stephen and St. Paul, Barañáin
Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church, Barañáin
Church of St. Mary, Barásoain
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Barbarin
Church of St. Michael, Barbatáin
Church of St. Mary, Bargota
Church of St. Michael, Barillas
Church of St. Emilian, Baríndano
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Bearin
Church of St. Martin, Beasoain
Church of St. Peter, Beintza-Labaien
Church of St. Emilian, Beire
Church of the Ascension, Belascoáin
Church of St. Eulalia, Belzunce
Church of St. Bartholomew, Benegorri
Church of St. Martin, Beorburu
Church of St. Mary, Beortegui
Church of St. Stephen, Bera
Church of St. Michael, Beramendi
Church of St. Christopher, Berasáin
Church of the Ascension, Berbinzana
Church of St. Martin, Beriáin
Church of the Holy Christ of Pardon, Beriáin-Potasas
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Berrioplano
Church of St. Eulalia, Berriosuso
Church of St. Stephen, Berriozar
Church of St. Martin, Berroeta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Beruete
Church of St. Peter, Betelu
Church of the Ascension, Beunza
Church of St. Eulalia, Bigüézal
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Biurrun
Church of St. Peter, Bizkarreta-Gerendiain
Church of St. Anne, Buñuel
Church of St. Peter, Burgui
Church of St. John the Baptist, Burlada
Church of St. Martin and St. Blaise, Burlada
Church of St. Peter, Burutáin
Church of the Ascension, Cabanillas
Church of St. James, Cabredo
Church of St. Michael, Cadreita
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Campanas
Church of St. Faith, Caparroso
Church of St. Michael, Cárcar
Church of the Holy Saviour, Carcastillo
Church of the Assumption of Mary, Cascante
Church of the Ascension, Cáseda
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Castejón
Church of St. Martin, Castillonuevo
Church of the Visitation of Mary, Cemboráin
Church of St. Michael, Cía
Church of St. Catherine, Ciáurriz
Church of St. Stephen, Ciganda
Church of St. Stephen, Cildoz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Cintruénigo
Church of St. Roman and St. Catherine, Cirauqui
Church of St. Michael, Ciriza
Church of Sts. Emeterius and Celedonius, Cizur Menor
Church of the Sacred Heart, Cordovilla
Church of St. Michael and Our Lady of the Rosary, Corella
Church of St. John the Baptist, Cortes
Church of St. Mary, Desojo
Church of Sts. Emeterius and Celedonius, Dicastillo
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Domeño
Church of the Ascension, Donamaria
Church of St. Peter, Doneztebe
Church of the Ascension, Dorrao/Torrano
Church of St. Michael, Ecala
Church of the Ascension, Echagüe
Church of St. Martin, Echálaz
Church of St. Roman, Echarren de Guirguillano
Church of St. Stephen, Echarri de Echauri
Church of the Ascension, Echávarri
Church of St. Anthony the Abbot, Egiarreta
Church of St. Michael, Egozkue
Church of St. Martin, Eguaras
Church of St. Martin, Egüés
Church of St. Michael, Eguíllor
Church of St. Andrew, Ekai
Church of St. Martin, Ekai de Lónguida
Church of St. Andrew, El Busto
Church of the Holy Cross, Elbete
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Elcano
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Elcarte
Church of St. Peter, Elcóaz
Church of St. Peter, Elgorriaga
Church of the Ascension, Elía
Church of St. James, Elizondo
Church of the Ascension, Elorz
Church of St. Stephen the Protomartyr, Eltso
Church of St. Marcellus, Eltzaburu
Church of St. Nicholas of Bari, Endériz
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Enériz
Church of St. Andrew, Epároz
Church of the Holy Saviour, Eransus
Church of St. Michael, Eraso
Church of St. Stanislaus, Eratsun
Church of St. Michael, Eraul
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Erbiti
Church of the Holy Saviour, Erdozáin
Church of St. Michael, Erice de Atez
Church of St. Andrew, Erice de Iza
Church of St. Peter, Erratzu
Church of St. Martin, Errazkin
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Errea
Church of St. Stephen, Erro
Church of St. Babil, Errotz
Church of St. Michael, Eslava
Church of St. Martin, Esnotz
Church of St. Stephen, Esparza de Galar
Church of St. Andrew, Esparza de Salazar
Church of St. Martin, Espotz/Espoz
Church of St. Vincent the Martyr, Espronceda
Church of St. Adrian, Esquíroz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Estella
Church of St. Michael, Estella
Church of St. Peter, Estella
Church of St. Martin, Esténoz
Church of the Ascension, Etayo-Learza
Church of St. John the Baptist, Etsain
Church of St. Stephen, Etulain
Church of St. Mary, Etxalar
Church of St. Stephen, Etxaleku
Church of St. Vincent, Etxarren
Church of St. Michael, Etxarri (Larraun)
Church of St. Mary, Etxarri-Aranatz
Church of St. Eulalia, Etxauri
Church of St. Mary, Etxeberri
Church of St. Giles, Eugi
Church of St. Martin, Eulate
Church of St. Sebastian, Eulz
Church of St. Stephen, Eúsa
Church of St. Eulalia, Ezcaba
Church of St. Roman, Ezcároz
Church of St. Lucy, Ezkirotz
Church of the Ascension, Ezkurra
Church of the Immacuate, Ezperun
Church of the Nativity of Mary, Falces
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Figarol
Church of St. Mary, Fitero
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Fontellas
Church of St. James, Funes
Church of the Ascension, Fustiñana
Church of St. Eulalia, Gabarderal
Church of St. Martin, Gaintza
Church of St. Martin, Galar
Church of St. Peter, Galbarra
Church of St. Peter, Galdeano
Church of St. James, Galdúroz
Church of St. Peter, Gallipienzo
Church of St. John the Baptist, Gallués
Church of St. Eulalia, Ganuza
Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, Garaioa
Church of St. Peter, Garciriáin
Church of St. James, Garde
Church of St. Martin, Garínoain
Church of the Nativity of Mary, Garísoain
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Garralda
Church of St. Martin, Gartzain
Church of the Ascension, Gartzaron
Church of St. Stephen, Gascue
Church of St. Saturnin, Gastiáin
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Gazólaz
Church of St. Dominic, Gaztelu
Church of St. Eulalia, Gendulain de Esteríbar
Church of St. Stephen, Genevilla
Church of St. Lawrence, Gerendiain
Church of the Ascension, Goizueta
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Goldaratz
Church of St. Bartholomew, Gollano
Church of St. Andrew, Góngora
Church of St. Anthony of Padua and St. Quiricus, Goñi
Church of St. Stephen, Gorráiz
Church of St. Bartholomew, Gorriti
Church of the Ascension, Gorrontz-Olano
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Grocin
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Guelbenzu
Church of St. Bartholomew, Guembe
Church of St. Lawrence, Guenduláin de Odieta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Guerendiáin Elorz
Church of St. Stephen, Güesa
Church of St. Peter, Guirguillano
Church of St. Peter the Apostle, Gulina
Church of the Holy Saviour, Hiriberri/Villanueva de Aezkoa
Church of St. Martin, Hiriberri/Villanueva de Arakil
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Huarte
Church of the Ascension, Ibero
Church of the Nativity of Mary, Ibilcieta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Ibiricu de Egües
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ibiricu de Yerri
Church of St. Peter, Ichaso/Itsaso
Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Iciz
Church of St. Agatha, Idoate
Church of St. Clement, Idocin
Church of St. Michael, Idoi
Church of St. Vincent, Igal
Church of St. Michael, Igantzi
Church of the Ascension, Igoa
Church of St. Andrew, Igúzquiza
Church of St. Stephen, Ihabar
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Ihaben
Church of St. Lucy, Ilarratz
Church of St. Michael, Ilarregi
Church of St. Stephen, Iltzarbe
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ilundáin
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Ilurdotz
Church of St. Martin, Imárcoain
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Imirizaldu
Church of St. Peter, Imízcoz
Church of St. Martin, Inbuluzketa
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Induráin
Church of St. James, Intza
Church of St. Stephen, Iracheta
Church of St. Lawrence, Iragi
Church of St. Martin, Iraizotz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Irañeta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Iribas
Church of St. Peter, Iriso
Church of St. Peter, Irotz
Church of St. Roman, Irujo
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Iruñela
Church of the Ascension, Irure
Church of the Holy Saviour, Irurita
Church of St. Adrian, Irurozqui
Church of the Ascension, Irurre
Church of St. Martin, Irurtzun
Church of St. Cyprian, Isaba
Church of St. Fructuosus, Iso
Church of St. Martin, Ituren
Church of St. Emilian, Iturgoyen
Church of St. Michael, Iturmendi
Church of St. Martin, Iza
Church of St. Vincent, Izal
Church of the Holy Saviour, Izalzu
Church of St. Martin, Izco
Church of St. Eulalia, Izcue
Church of Our Lady of the Assumption, Izu
Church of St. John the Baptist, Izurdiaga
Church of St. Andrew, Izurzu
Church of St. Stephen, Janáriz
Church of the Ascension, Jauntsarats
Church of the Holy Saviour, Jaurrieta
Church of the Annunciation, Javier
Church of St. Germain and St. Servandus, Labeaga
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Labiano
Church of St. Encratius, Lácar-Eguiarte
Church of the Holy Saviour, Lakuntza
Church of the Holy Cross, Lantz
Church of the Ascension, Lapoblación
Church of St. Martin, Laquidáin
Church of St. Michael, Larraga
Church of St. Stephen, Larragueta
Church of St. Martin, Larraintzar
Church of St. Christopher, Larraona
Church of St. Nicholas of Bari, Larrasoaña
Church of St. Roman, Larraya
Church of St. Stephen the Protomartyr, Larráyoz
Church of the Ascension, Larrión
Church of St. Vincent the Martyr, Larumbe
Church of St. Martin, Latasa
Church of St. Stephen, Latasa (Imotz)
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Lazagurría
Church of the Ascension, Leache
Church of the Ascension, Leazkue
Church of St. Bartholomew, Lecáun
Church of the Ascension, Legarda
Church of St. Martin, Legaria
Church of St. Catherine, Legasa
Church of St. Michael, Leitza
Church of St. Bartholomew, Lekaroz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Lekunberri
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Leoz
Church of St. Adrian, Leranotz
Church of St. Peter, Lerate
Church of St. Martin, Lerga
Church of St. Mary, Lerín
Church of St. Peter, Lérruz
Church of St. Martin, Lesaka
Church of St. Emilian, Lete
Abbey of the Holy Saviour, Leyre
Church of St. Martin, Leyún
Church of St. Peter, Lezáun
Church of the Ascension, Liédena
Church of St. Saturnin, Lintzoain
Church of St. Clement, Lizarraga (Ergoiena)
Church of St. Eulalia, Lizarraga de Izaga
Church of St. Peter, Lizarragabengoa
Church of Sts. Simon and Jude, Lizaso
Church of St. Lawrence, Lizasoáin
Church of St. Michael, Lizoáin
Church of St. Michael, Lodosa
Church of St. Andrew, Loizu
Church of the Holy Saviour, Lorca
Church of St. Mary, Los Arcos
Church of St. Martin, Loza
Church of the Ascension, Lumbier
Church of St. Martin, Luquin
Church of St. Stephen, Lusarreta
Church of St. James, Luzaide-Valcarlos
Church of St. John the Baptist, Madotz
Church of St. Peter, Mañeru
Church of St. Martin, Maquírriain de Ezkabarte
Church of St. Catherine, Maquírriain de Orba
Church of the Ascension, Marañón
Church of St. Bartholomew, Marcilla
Church of St. Mary, Meano
Church of St. Mary, Mélida
Church of St. John the Baptist, Mendavia
Church of St. Felix, Mendaza
Church of St. Peter, Mendigorría
Church of St. Andrew, Mendilibarri
Church of St. Peter, Mendióroz
Church of St. Michael, Mendívil
Church of St. Peter, Meoz
Church of St. Roman, Metauten
Church of St. Christopher, Mezkiritz
Church of Our Lady of the Abbots, Milagro
Church of St. Roman, Mirafuentes
Church of the Ascension, Miranda de Arga
Church of the Nativity of Mary, Monreal
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Monteagudo
Church of St. Andrew, Morentin
Church of St. Martin, Moriones
Church of St. Eugenia of Rome, Mués
Church of St. Eulalia, Muez
Church of St. Peter, Mugiro
Church of the Expectation of Mary, Munárriz
Church of St. Vincent, Muneta
Church of St. Catherine, Muniáin de Guesálaz
Church of the Ascension, Muniáin de la Solana
Church of the Ascension, Murchante
Church of St. Stephen, Murieta
Church of St. Vincent, Murillo-Berroya
Church of the Ascension, Murillo de Lónguida
Church of St. Stephen, Murillo de Yerri
Church of St. Faith, Murillo el Cuende
Church of St. Mary, Murillo el Fruto
Church of St. Stephen, Muru-Astráin
Church of St. Stephen, Muruarte de Reta
Church of St. Roman, Murugarren
Church of St. Stephen, Muruzábal
Church of St. Martin, Muskitz
Church of St. Saturnin and St. Peter, Mutilva/Mutiloa
Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Muzqui
Church of St. Julian, Nagore
Church of St. Thomas, Najurieta
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Napal
Church of St. Andrew, Narbarte
Church of St. Emilian, Narcué
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Nardués
Church of St. Christopher, Navascués
Church of St. Martin, Navaz
Church of St. Peter, Nazar
Church of St. Michael, Noáin
Church of St. Joseph, Noveleta
Church of St. Martin, Nuin
Church of St. John the Baptist, Obanos
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Ochagavía
Church of St. John the Baptist, Ochovi
Church of St. Emilian, Oco
Church of St. Lawrence, Oderitz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Oieregi
Church of the Nativity and St. Tiburcius, Oitz
Church of St. Peter, Olabe
Church of St. John the Baptist, Olagüe
Church of St. Michael, Oláiz
Church of St. Michael, Olaldea
Church of St. Peter, Olaz de Egües
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Olaz de Subiza
Church of St. Michael, Olazti
Church of St. Michael, Olcoz
Church of St. James, Olejua
Church of St. Peter and St. Mary, Olite/Erriberri
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Ollacarizqueta
Church of the Ascension, Olleta
Church of St. Thomas, Ollo
Church of the Ascension, Ollobarren
Church of St. Martin, Ollogoyen
Church of St. Adrian, Olloki
Church of St. Bartholomew, Olóriz
Church of St. Blaise, Olza
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Ongoz
Church of St. Peter, Orbaitzeta
Church of St. Roman, Orbara
Church of St. James, Oricáin
Church of St. Andrew, Oricin
Church of St. Martin, Orísoain
Church of St. Adrian, Óriz
Church of St. Joseph the Worker, Orkoien
Church of St. Michael, Orkoien
Church of St. Tiburcius, Orokieta
Church of St. John the Baptist, Orondritz
Church of the Ascension, Oronoz-Mugairi
Church of Sts. Cosmas and Damian, Oronz
Church of St. Julian, Ororbia
Church of St. Adrian, Oroz-Betelu
Church of St. John the Baptist, Orrio
Church of St. Martin, Osacáin
Church of St. Christopher, Osácar
Church of St. Peter, Oscáriz
Church of St. Lawrence, Osinaga
Church of St. Christopher, Oskotz
Church of Our Lady of the Tabernacle, Osteritz
Church of St. John the Baptist, Ostiz
Church of the Holy Saviour, Otano
Church of St. Stephen, Otazu
Church of St. John the Baptist, Oteiza de Berrioplano
Church of St. Michael, Oteiza de la Solana
Church of St. Martin, Otiñano
Church of St. Peter, Ozcoidi
Church of the Ascension, Pamplona
Church of the Heart of Jesus, Pamplona
Church of Corpus Christi, Pamplona
Church of Christ the King, Pamplona
Church of the Saviour, Pamplona
Church of Our Lady of Peace, Pamplona
Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Pamplona
Church of Our Lady of the Garden, Pamplona
Church of Our Lady of the Pillar, Pamplona
Church of Our Lady, Pamplona
Church of Our Father, Pamplona
Church of the Holy Family, Pamplona
Church of St. Augustine, Pamplona
Church of St. Albert the Great, Pamplona
Church of St. Anthony Claret, Pamplona
Church of St. Henry, Pamplona
Church of St. Fermin, Pamplona
Church of St. Francis of Assisi, Pamplona
Church of St. Francis Xavier, Pamplona
Church of St. George, Pamplona
Church of St. John Bosco, Pamplona
Church of St. Lawrence, Pamplona
Church of St. Mary, Pamplona
Seminary of St. Michael, Pamplona
Church of St. Michael, Pamplona
Church of St. Nicholas, Pamplona
Church of St. Peter, Pamplona
Church of St. Raymond of Fitero, Pamplona
Church of St. Saturnin, Pamplona
Church of St. Vicenta María, Pamplona
Church of St. Vincent Paul, Pamplona
Church of the Holy Ugandan Martyrs, Pamplona
Church of St. Christopher, Pamplona/Iruña
Church of St. Joseph, Pamplona/Iruña
Church of St. Teresa of Jesus, Pamplona/Iruña
Church of St. James the Apostle, Pamplona/Iruña
Church of St. Martin, Paternáin
Church of St. Martin, Peña
Church of St. John the Evangelist, Peralta
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Piedramillera
Church of St. Peter, Pitillas
Church of St. James and St. Peter, Puente la Reina/Gares
Church of the Ascension, Pueyo
Church of the Holy Cross, Rada
Church of St. Andrew, Redín
Church of St. Peter, Reta
Church of St. Bartholomew the Apostle, Ribaforada
Church of the Ascension, Riezu
Church of St. Martin, Ripa
Church of the Ascension of Christ, Ripalda
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Rípodas
Church of St. Mary, Rocaforte
Church of St. Stephen, Roncal
Collegiate Church of St. Mary, Roncesvalles
Church of St. Vincent the Martyr, Sada
Church of St. Encratius, Sagaseta
Church of St. Michael, Sagüés
Church of St. Christopher, Saigots
Church of St. Adrian, San Adrián
Church of St. Isidore, San Isidro del Pinar
Church of St. Martin, San Martín de Améscoa
Church of St. Martin, San Martín de Unx
Church of St. Andrew, San Vicente
Church of St. John the Baptist, Saldías
Church of St. Peter, Saldise
Church of St. Michael, Salinas de Ibargoiti
Church of St. Michael, Salinas de Oro
Church of the Ascension, Salinas de Pamplona
Church of St. Mary and St. James, Sangüesa
Church of the Ascension, Sansoáin de Orba
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Sansoáin de Urraul
Church of St. Zoilus, Sansol
Church of St. Peter, Sansomáin
Church of the Ascension, Santacara
Church of St. John the Baptist, Saragüeta
Church of St. Martin, Sarasa
Church of St. Stephen, Sarasate
Church of Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, Sarasibar
Church of St. Martin, Sarriés
Church of St. Encratius, Sarriguren
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Sartaguda
Church of St. Martin, Satrustegi
Church of St. Stephen, Sengáriz
Church of St. Martin, Senosiáin
Church of St. Mary, Sesma
Church of St. John the Baptist, Setoáin
Church of St. John the Baptist, Solchaga
Church of St. Andrew, Sorauren
Church of St. Cecilia, Sorlada
Church of St. Sebastian, Suarbe
Church of St. John the Baptist, Subiza
Church of St. John the Baptist, Sunbilla
Church of St. John the Baptist, Tabar
Church of St. Peter and St. Mary, Tafalla
Church of Sts. Emeterius and Celedonius, Tajonar
Church of St. Euphemia, Tiebas
Church of the Immaculate Conception, Tirapu
Church of St. Mary, Torralba del Río
Church of St. Peter, Torres de Elorz
Church of St. Andrew, Torres del Río
Church of St. John the Baptist, Traibuenas
Church of the Mother of the Good Shepherd, Tudela
Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, Tudela
Church of St. John the Baptist, Tudela
Church of the Ascension, Turrillas
Church of St. Martin, Ubago
Church of St. Martin, Ubani
Church of the Ascension, Úcar
Church of St. Michael, Udabe
Church of St. Martin, Úgar
Church of St. John the Baptist, Uharte-Arakil
Aralarko San Migel Santutegia, Uharte-Arakil
Church of St. Michael, Uitzi
Church of St. Mary, Ujué
Church of St. Mary, Ulíbarri
Church of St. Martin, Ultzurrun
Church of St. Peter, Unanu
Church of St. Peter, Unciti
Church of St. Martin, Undiano
Church of the Ascension, Unzu
Church of St. Emilian, Unzué
Church of St. Stephen, Urbicáin
Church of the Holy Saviour, Urbiola
Church of St. Michael, Urdaitz
Church of St. Roman, Urdánoz
Church of the Holy Saviour, Urdazubi
Church of the Ascension, Urdiain
Church of St. Saturnin, Úriz
Church of the Immaculate Mary, Uroz
Church of the Ascension, Urra
Church of St. Martin, Urricelqui
Church of St. John the Baptist, Urritza
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Urritzola de Arakil
Church of the Ascension, Urritzola-Galain
Church of St. Michael, Urrotz
Church of the Ascension, Urroz-Villa
Church of the Ascension, Urtasun
Church of St. Martin, Urzainqui
Church of the Ascension, Uscarrés
Church of St. Stephen, Usetxi
Church of St. Andrew, Usi
Church of St. Bartholomew, Ustárroz
Church of St. Saturnin, Ustés
Church of St. Saturnin, Usún
Church of the Ascension, Uterga
Church of St. Clement, Uzquita
Church of St. Encratius, Uztárroz
Church of the Ascension, Uztegi
Church of St. Mary, Valtierra
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Vesolla
Church of the Ascension, Viana
Church of St. Peter, Vidángoz
Church of St. Catherine, Vidaurre
Church of St. Julian, Vidaurreta
Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, Viguria
Church of St. Euphemia, Villafranca
Church of St. Andrew, Villamayor de Monjardín
Church of St. Andrew, Villanueva de Arce
Church of St. Stephen, Villanueva de Yerri
Church of the Ascension, Villatuerta
Church of St. Andrew, Villava/Atarrabia
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Villaveta
Church of St. Andrew, Viloria
Church of the Nativity of Jesus, Yárnoz
Church of St. Vincent, Yelz
Church of St. Stephen, Yesa
Church of St. Clement, Zábal
Church of St. Lawrence, Zabalceta
Church of St. Stephen, Zabaldika
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Zabalegui
Church of the Ascension, Zabalza de Echauri
Church of St. Andrew, Zabalza de Ibargoiti
Church of St. Peter, Zabalza de Urraul
Church of St. John the Baptist, Zalba
Church of St. Lawrence, Zandio
Church of St. Andrew, Zariquiegui
Church of St. Michael, Zarrantz
Church of the Ascension, Zenotz
Church of St. Lawrence, Ziga
Church of St. Bartholomew, Zilbeti
Church of the Ascension, Ziordia
Church of St. Andrew, Zizur Mayor
Church of Our Lady of Hope, Zizur Mayor
Church of St. Stephen, Zolina
Church of St. Andrew, Zuasti
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Zuazu de Izaga
Church of St. Mary, Zubielqui
Church of the Ascension, Zubieta
Church of St. Stephen, Zubiri
Church of St. Andrew, Zudaire
Church of St. Michael, Zufía
Church of the Ascension, Zugarramurdi
Church of St. Martin, Zuhatzu
Church of St. Stephen, Zulueta
Church of St. Mary, Zúñiga
Church of St. Roman, Zunzarren
Church of St. Emilian, Zuriain
Church of the Purification of Our Lady, Zurucuáin
