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Churches (1) (2)
Big Union Baptist Church , Dille, WV
Birch River Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Charity Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Faith Baptist Tabernacle , Richwood, WV
Gassaway Baptist Church , Gassaway, WV
Holly River Baptist Church , Diana, WV
Hope Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Long Run Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Maysel Missionary Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Antioch Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church , Clay, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Exchange, WV
Stump Chapel Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Sutton Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , WV
Danville First Baptist Church , Danville, WV
Forks Of Coal Missionary Baptist Church , Alum Creek, WV
Madison Baptist Church , Madison, WV
Olive Baptist Church , Julian
Racine First Baptist Church , Racine, WV
Yawkey Missionary Baptist Church , Yawkey, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , WV
Comunidad Luz Y Vida , Moorefield, WV
Dorcas Baptist Church , Petersburg, WV
Harmony Baptist Church , Maysville, WV
Jordan Run Baptist Church , Maysville, WV
North Mill Creek Baptist Church , WV
Petersburg First Baptist Church , Petersburg, WV
Romney First Baptist Church , Romney, WV
Big Union Baptist Church , Dille, WV
Birch River Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Charity Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Faith Baptist Tabernacle , Richwood, WV
Gassaway Baptist Church , Gassaway, WV
Holly River Baptist Church , Diana, WV
Hope Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Long Run Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Maysel Missionary Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Antioch Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church , Clay, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Exchange, WV
Stump Chapel Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Sutton Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Baptist Temple , Fairmont, WV
Bethesda Baptist Church , Barrackville, WV
Boothsville Baptist Church , WV
Everson Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Harmony Baptist Church , Hundred, WV
Hebron Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Mannington First Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Mount Zion Baptist Church , WV
New Life Ministries , Fairmont, WV
Plum Run Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Saint Paul Baptist Church , Fairview, WV
Union Baptist Church Of Crossroads , Fairview, WV
Union Valley Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
West Warren Baptist Church , Wadestown, WV
Willow Tree Baptist Church , Farmington, WV
Worthington Baptist Church , Worthington, WV
Calvary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Deep Water Baptist Church , Deep Water, WV
Fayetteville Baptist Church , Fayetteville, WV
Gatewood Baptist Church , Fayetteville, WV
Gentry Missionary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Minden Missionary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Mount Hope Baptist Temple , Mount Hope, WV
Oak Hill Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Page Baptist Church , Page, WV
Scarbro First Baptist Church , Scarbro, WV
Comunidad Nueva Esperanza , Ravenswood, WV
Gilboa Baptist Church , Spencer, WV
Grass Lick Baptist Church , WV
Milhoan Ridge Baptist Church , WV
Mill Creek Baptist Church , Leroy, WV
Parchment Valley Baptist Church , Ripley, WV
Ravenswood First Baptist Church , Ravenswood, WV
Reedy Baptist Church , Reedy, WV
Spencer First Baptist Church , Spencer, WV
Two Runs Baptist Church , Palestine, WV
Albright Baptist Church , Albright, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Forks Of Cheat Baptist Church , WV
Goshen Baptist Church , Morgantown, WV
Hopewell Baptist Church , WV
Independence Baptist Church , WV
Kingwood Baptist Church , Kingwood, WV
Sabraton Hill Baptist Church , Morgantown, WV
Athens Baptist Church , Athens, WV
Beaver First Baptist Church , Beaver, WV
Beckley First Baptist Church , Beckley, WV
Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church , Bolt, WV
Crab Orchard Baptist Church , Crab Orchard, WV
Fairview Baptist Church , WV
Fort Spring Missionary Baptist Church , Ronceverte, WV
Helen Baptist Church , Helen, WV
Mount Jackson Baptist Church , Athens, WV
Old Greenbrier Baptist Church , Alderson, WV
Peterstown Missionary Baptist Church , Peterstown, WV
Scott Street Baptist Church , Bluefield, WV
Send The Light Fellowship , WV
Shuck Memorial Baptist Church , Lewisburg, WV
Sweet Springs Baptist Church , Asbury, WV
Baptist Temple , Huntington, WV
Barboursville Baptist Church , Barboursville, WV
Beulah Ann Missionary Baptist Church , Ona, WV
Fifth Avenue Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Good Hope Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Hamlin First Baptist Church , Hamlin, WV
Hope Christian Center , Ona, WV
Milton Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Mount Union Missionary Baptist Church , Lesage, WV
New Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Pea Ridge Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Seventh Avenue Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Union Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Auburn Baptist Church , WV
Goose Creek Baptist Church , Cairo, WV
Harrisville Baptist Church , Harrisville, WV
North Fork Baptist Church , WV
Smithville Baptist Church , WV
South Fork Baptist Church , West Union, WV
Antioch Baptist Church , Ansted, WV
Big Clear Creek Baptist Church , Rupert, WV
Cowen First Baptist Church , Cowen, WV
Dixie First Baptist Church , WV
Fairview Baptist Church , Lockwood, WV
Layland Baptist Church , Layland, WV
Lovers Leap Baptist Church , Ansted, WV
Meadow Grove Baptist Church , WV
Millbrook Baptist Church , WV
Mountain Baptist Church , Quinwood, WV
Mountain Cove Baptist Church , WV
Newton Memorial Baptist Church , Charmco, WV
Olive Branch Baptist Church , Nettie, WV
Quinwood First Baptist Church , Quinwood, WV
Rainelle First Baptist Church , Rainelle, WV
Richwood First Baptist Church , Richwood, WV
Smoot Baptist Church , Smoot, WV
Springdale First Baptist Church , WV
Summersville Baptist Church , Summersville, WV
Webster Springs First Baptist Church , Webster Springs, WV
Barnes Memorial Baptist Church , Inactive
Bethlehem Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Bridgeport Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Dents Run Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Glen Falls Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Hepzibah Baptist Church , WV
North Shinnston Baptist Church , Shinnston, WV
Nutter Fort First Baptist Church , Nutter Fort, WV
Sardis Baptist Church , Harrison County, WV
Shinnston First Baptist Church , Shinnston, WV
Vermont Baptist Church , Salem, WV
Wallace First Baptist Church , Wallace, WV
Wilsonburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , South Charleston, WV
Big Chimney Baptist Church , Big Chimney, WV
Cedar Grove Baptist Church , Cedar Grove, WV
Charleston Baptist Temple , Charleston, WV
Charleston First Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Chesapeake First Baptist Church , Chesapeake, WV
Clendenin First Baptist Church , Clendenin, WV
Diamond Baptist Church , Diamond, WV
Dunbar First Baptist Church , Dunbar, WV
Emmanuel Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Gauley Bridge Baptist Church , Gauley Bridge, WV
Genesis Fellowship , South Charleston, WV
Hampton Baptist Church , East Bank, WV
Handley Baptist Church , Handley, WV
Judson Baptist Church , Belle, WV
Kanawha City Baptist Church , Se, Charleston, WV
Marmet First Baptist Church , Marmet, WV
Montgomery Baptist Church , Montgomery, WV
New Hope Community Church , Charleston, WV
North Hills Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Oakwood Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
South Charleston First Baptist Church , South Charleston, WV
Standard First Baptist Church , Standard, WV
Starcher Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Anchor Bible Church , Glenville, WV
Enon Baptist Church , Grantsville, WV
Glenville First Baptist Church , Glenville, WV
Grantsville First Baptist Church , Grantsville, WV
Leading Creek Baptist Church , Cox’S Mills, WV
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church , Stumptown, WV
New Found Freedom Baptist Church , WV
Sand Fork Baptist Church , Sand Fork, WV
Connolly Memorial Baptist Church , Delbarton, WV
Logan First Baptist Church , Logan, WV
Mallory Baptist Church , WV
Man First Baptist Church , Man, WV
Matewan Missionary Baptist Church , Matewan, WV
Williamson First Baptist Church , Williamson, WV
Dallas Pike Baptist Church , Triadelphia, WV
New Martinsville First Baptist Church , New Martinsville, WV
Pine Grove First Baptist Church , Pine Grove, WV
Sistersville First Baptist Church , Sistersville
Weirton First Baptist Church , Weirton, WV
Weirton Heights Memorial Baptist Church , Weirton, WV
Wellsburg First Baptist Church , Wellsburg, WV
Wheeling First Baptist Church , Wheeling, WV
Belleville Baptist Church , Belleville, WV
Big Tygart Baptist Church , Mineral Wells, WV
City Bible Church , Vienna, WV
Elizabeth Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
Emmanuel Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Good Hope Baptist Church , Saint Marys, WV
Lauckport Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Lubeck Community Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Mount Zion Baptist Church , Mineral Wells, WV
Murphytown Baptist Church , Davisville, WV
New England Baptist Church , Washington, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Newark Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
North Parkersburg Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Parkersburg First Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Pine Grove Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Sam’S Creek First Baptist Church , Miner Wells, WV
Sarepta Baptist Church , WV
South Parkersburg Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Sunrise Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Two Ripple Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
Union Valley Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Vienna Baptist Church , Vienna, WV
Williamstown First Baptist Church , Williamstown, WV
Zion Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Baileysville Baptist Church , Baileysville, WV
Bellemeade Missionary Baptist Church , Big Cub Missionary Baptist Church
Coal Mountain, WV , Black Eagle Baptist Church
Mullens, WV , Cook Memorial Baptist Church
Pineville, WV , Cooper Memorial Baptist Church
Crany Baptist Church , WV
Curtis Baptist Church , WV
Cyclone Baptist Church , Cyclone, WV
Guyandotte Missionary Baptist Church , Jesse, WV
Highland Avenue Baptist Church , Mullens, WV
Lacoma Missionary Baptist Church , Cyclone, WV
Oceana First Baptist Church , Oceana, WV
Panther Missionary Baptist Church , WV
Rockcastle Baptist Church , Pineville, WV
Saulsville Baptist Church , Saulsville, WV
Toneda Missionary Baptist Church , WV
Turkey Creek Baptist Church , WV
Welch First Baptist Church , WV
Concord Baptist Church , Henderson, WV
The Chapel , Eleanor, WV
Highlawn Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
Hurricane First Baptist Church , Hurricane, WV
Leon Baptist Church , Leon, WV
Lifespring Community Church , Point Pleasant, WV
Main Street Baptist Church , Point Pleasant, WV
Mount Vernon Baptist Church , Hurricane, WV
Nitro First Baptist Church , Nitro, WV
Poca Baptist Church , Poca, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Scott Depot, WV
Saint Albans First Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
Big Hurricane Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Cyrus Baptist Church , Kenova, WV
Fort Gay Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Kenova First Baptist Church , Kenova, WV
Macedonia Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Old Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church , Prichard, WV
Tabor’S Creek Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Belington First Baptist Church , Belington, WV
Bethany Baptist Church , Buckhannon, WV
Clarksburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
East Clarksburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Elkins First Baptist Church , Elkins, WV
Faith Baptist Church , Buckhannon, WV
Flemington Baptist Church , Flemington, WV
Grafton First Baptist Church , Grafton, WV
Harmony Grove Baptist Church , Grafton, WV
Hepzibah Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Middleville Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Mount Carmel Baptist Church , Beverly, WV
Mount Vernon Baptist Church , Flemington, WV
Philippi Baptist Church , Philippi, WV
Simpson Creek Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Union Baptist Church , WV
Birch River Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Charity Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Faith Baptist Tabernacle , Richwood, WV
Gassaway Baptist Church , Gassaway, WV
Holly River Baptist Church , Diana, WV
Hope Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Long Run Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Maysel Missionary Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Antioch Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church , Clay, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Exchange, WV
Stump Chapel Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Sutton Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , WV
Danville First Baptist Church , Danville, WV
Forks Of Coal Missionary Baptist Church , Alum Creek, WV
Madison Baptist Church , Madison, WV
Olive Baptist Church , Julian
Racine First Baptist Church , Racine, WV
Yawkey Missionary Baptist Church , Yawkey, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , WV
Comunidad Luz Y Vida , Moorefield, WV
Dorcas Baptist Church , Petersburg, WV
Harmony Baptist Church , Maysville, WV
Jordan Run Baptist Church , Maysville, WV
North Mill Creek Baptist Church , WV
Petersburg First Baptist Church , Petersburg, WV
Romney First Baptist Church , Romney, WV
Big Union Baptist Church , Dille, WV
Birch River Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Charity Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Faith Baptist Tabernacle , Richwood, WV
Gassaway Baptist Church , Gassaway, WV
Holly River Baptist Church , Diana, WV
Hope Baptist Church , Frametown, WV
Long Run Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Maysel Missionary Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Antioch Baptist Church , Clay, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Birch River, WV
Pleasant Dale Baptist Church , Clay, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Exchange, WV
Stump Chapel Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Sutton Baptist Church , Sutton, WV
Baptist Temple , Fairmont, WV
Bethesda Baptist Church , Barrackville, WV
Boothsville Baptist Church , WV
Everson Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Harmony Baptist Church , Hundred, WV
Hebron Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Mannington First Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Mount Zion Baptist Church , WV
New Life Ministries , Fairmont, WV
Plum Run Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Saint Paul Baptist Church , Fairview, WV
Union Baptist Church Of Crossroads , Fairview, WV
Union Valley Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
West Warren Baptist Church , Wadestown, WV
Willow Tree Baptist Church , Farmington, WV
Worthington Baptist Church , Worthington, WV
Calvary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Deep Water Baptist Church , Deep Water, WV
Fayetteville Baptist Church , Fayetteville, WV
Gatewood Baptist Church , Fayetteville, WV
Gentry Missionary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Minden Missionary Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Mount Hope Baptist Temple , Mount Hope, WV
Oak Hill Baptist Church , Oak Hill, WV
Page Baptist Church , Page, WV
Scarbro First Baptist Church , Scarbro, WV
Comunidad Nueva Esperanza , Ravenswood, WV
Gilboa Baptist Church , Spencer, WV
Grass Lick Baptist Church , WV
Milhoan Ridge Baptist Church , WV
Mill Creek Baptist Church , Leroy, WV
Parchment Valley Baptist Church , Ripley, WV
Ravenswood First Baptist Church , Ravenswood, WV
Reedy Baptist Church , Reedy, WV
Spencer First Baptist Church , Spencer, WV
Two Runs Baptist Church , Palestine, WV
Albright Baptist Church , Albright, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , Fairmont, WV
Forks Of Cheat Baptist Church , WV
Goshen Baptist Church , Morgantown, WV
Hopewell Baptist Church , WV
Independence Baptist Church , WV
Kingwood Baptist Church , Kingwood, WV
Sabraton Hill Baptist Church , Morgantown, WV
Athens Baptist Church , Athens, WV
Beaver First Baptist Church , Beaver, WV
Beckley First Baptist Church , Beckley, WV
Breckenridge Missionary Baptist Church , Bolt, WV
Crab Orchard Baptist Church , Crab Orchard, WV
Fairview Baptist Church , WV
Fort Spring Missionary Baptist Church , Ronceverte, WV
Helen Baptist Church , Helen, WV
Mount Jackson Baptist Church , Athens, WV
Old Greenbrier Baptist Church , Alderson, WV
Peterstown Missionary Baptist Church , Peterstown, WV
Scott Street Baptist Church , Bluefield, WV
Send The Light Fellowship , WV
Shuck Memorial Baptist Church , Lewisburg, WV
Sweet Springs Baptist Church , Asbury, WV
Baptist Temple , Huntington, WV
Barboursville Baptist Church , Barboursville, WV
Beulah Ann Missionary Baptist Church , Ona, WV
Fifth Avenue Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Good Hope Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Hamlin First Baptist Church , Hamlin, WV
Hope Christian Center , Ona, WV
Milton Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Mount Union Missionary Baptist Church , Lesage, WV
New Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Pea Ridge Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Seventh Avenue Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Union Baptist Church , Milton, WV
Auburn Baptist Church , WV
Goose Creek Baptist Church , Cairo, WV
Harrisville Baptist Church , Harrisville, WV
North Fork Baptist Church , WV
Smithville Baptist Church , WV
South Fork Baptist Church , West Union, WV
Antioch Baptist Church , Ansted, WV
Big Clear Creek Baptist Church , Rupert, WV
Cowen First Baptist Church , Cowen, WV
Dixie First Baptist Church , WV
Fairview Baptist Church , Lockwood, WV
Layland Baptist Church , Layland, WV
Lovers Leap Baptist Church , Ansted, WV
Meadow Grove Baptist Church , WV
Millbrook Baptist Church , WV
Mountain Baptist Church , Quinwood, WV
Mountain Cove Baptist Church , WV
Newton Memorial Baptist Church , Charmco, WV
Olive Branch Baptist Church , Nettie, WV
Quinwood First Baptist Church , Quinwood, WV
Rainelle First Baptist Church , Rainelle, WV
Richwood First Baptist Church , Richwood, WV
Smoot Baptist Church , Smoot, WV
Springdale First Baptist Church , WV
Summersville Baptist Church , Summersville, WV
Webster Springs First Baptist Church , Webster Springs, WV
Barnes Memorial Baptist Church , Inactive
Bethlehem Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Bridgeport Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Dents Run Baptist Church , Mannington, WV
Glen Falls Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Hepzibah Baptist Church , WV
North Shinnston Baptist Church , Shinnston, WV
Nutter Fort First Baptist Church , Nutter Fort, WV
Sardis Baptist Church , Harrison County, WV
Shinnston First Baptist Church , Shinnston, WV
Vermont Baptist Church , Salem, WV
Wallace First Baptist Church , Wallace, WV
Wilsonburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Bethel Baptist Church , South Charleston, WV
Big Chimney Baptist Church , Big Chimney, WV
Cedar Grove Baptist Church , Cedar Grove, WV
Charleston Baptist Temple , Charleston, WV
Charleston First Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Chesapeake First Baptist Church , Chesapeake, WV
Clendenin First Baptist Church , Clendenin, WV
Diamond Baptist Church , Diamond, WV
Dunbar First Baptist Church , Dunbar, WV
Emmanuel Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Gauley Bridge Baptist Church , Gauley Bridge, WV
Genesis Fellowship , South Charleston, WV
Hampton Baptist Church , East Bank, WV
Handley Baptist Church , Handley, WV
Judson Baptist Church , Belle, WV
Kanawha City Baptist Church , Se, Charleston, WV
Marmet First Baptist Church , Marmet, WV
Montgomery Baptist Church , Montgomery, WV
New Hope Community Church , Charleston, WV
North Hills Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Oakwood Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Saint Paul Missionary Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
South Charleston First Baptist Church , South Charleston, WV
Standard First Baptist Church , Standard, WV
Starcher Baptist Church , Charleston, WV
Anchor Bible Church , Glenville, WV
Enon Baptist Church , Grantsville, WV
Glenville First Baptist Church , Glenville, WV
Grantsville First Baptist Church , Grantsville, WV
Leading Creek Baptist Church , Cox’S Mills, WV
Mount Pisgah Baptist Church , Stumptown, WV
New Found Freedom Baptist Church , WV
Sand Fork Baptist Church , Sand Fork, WV
Connolly Memorial Baptist Church , Delbarton, WV
Logan First Baptist Church , Logan, WV
Mallory Baptist Church , WV
Man First Baptist Church , Man, WV
Matewan Missionary Baptist Church , Matewan, WV
Williamson First Baptist Church , Williamson, WV
Dallas Pike Baptist Church , Triadelphia, WV
New Martinsville First Baptist Church , New Martinsville, WV
Pine Grove First Baptist Church , Pine Grove, WV
Sistersville First Baptist Church , Sistersville
Weirton First Baptist Church , Weirton, WV
Weirton Heights Memorial Baptist Church , Weirton, WV
Wellsburg First Baptist Church , Wellsburg, WV
Wheeling First Baptist Church , Wheeling, WV
Belleville Baptist Church , Belleville, WV
Big Tygart Baptist Church , Mineral Wells, WV
City Bible Church , Vienna, WV
Elizabeth Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
Emmanuel Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Good Hope Baptist Church , Saint Marys, WV
Lauckport Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Lubeck Community Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Mount Zion Baptist Church , Mineral Wells, WV
Murphytown Baptist Church , Davisville, WV
New England Baptist Church , Washington, WV
New Hope Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Newark Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
North Parkersburg Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Parkersburg First Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Pine Grove Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Sam’S Creek First Baptist Church , Miner Wells, WV
Sarepta Baptist Church , WV
South Parkersburg Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Sunrise Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Two Ripple Baptist Church , Elizabeth, WV
Union Valley Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Vienna Baptist Church , Vienna, WV
Williamstown First Baptist Church , Williamstown, WV
Zion Baptist Church , Parkersburg, WV
Baileysville Baptist Church , Baileysville, WV
Bellemeade Missionary Baptist Church , Big Cub Missionary Baptist Church
Coal Mountain, WV , Black Eagle Baptist Church
Mullens, WV , Cook Memorial Baptist Church
Pineville, WV , Cooper Memorial Baptist Church
Crany Baptist Church , WV
Curtis Baptist Church , WV
Cyclone Baptist Church , Cyclone, WV
Guyandotte Missionary Baptist Church , Jesse, WV
Highland Avenue Baptist Church , Mullens, WV
Lacoma Missionary Baptist Church , Cyclone, WV
Oceana First Baptist Church , Oceana, WV
Panther Missionary Baptist Church , WV
Rockcastle Baptist Church , Pineville, WV
Saulsville Baptist Church , Saulsville, WV
Toneda Missionary Baptist Church , WV
Turkey Creek Baptist Church , WV
Welch First Baptist Church , WV
Concord Baptist Church , Henderson, WV
The Chapel , Eleanor, WV
Highlawn Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
Hurricane First Baptist Church , Hurricane, WV
Leon Baptist Church , Leon, WV
Lifespring Community Church , Point Pleasant, WV
Main Street Baptist Church , Point Pleasant, WV
Mount Vernon Baptist Church , Hurricane, WV
Nitro First Baptist Church , Nitro, WV
Poca Baptist Church , Poca, WV
Providence Baptist Church , Scott Depot, WV
Saint Albans First Baptist Church , Saint Albans, WV
Big Hurricane Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Cyrus Baptist Church , Kenova, WV
Fort Gay Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Kenova First Baptist Church , Kenova, WV
Macedonia Baptist Church , Huntington, WV
Old Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church , Prichard, WV
Tabor’S Creek Baptist Church , Fort Gay, WV
Belington First Baptist Church , Belington, WV
Bethany Baptist Church , Buckhannon, WV
Clarksburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
East Clarksburg Baptist Church , Clarksburg, WV
Elkins First Baptist Church , Elkins, WV
Faith Baptist Church , Buckhannon, WV
Flemington Baptist Church , Flemington, WV
Grafton First Baptist Church , Grafton, WV
Harmony Grove Baptist Church , Grafton, WV
Hepzibah Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Middleville Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Mount Carmel Baptist Church , Beverly, WV
Mount Vernon Baptist Church , Flemington, WV
Philippi Baptist Church , Philippi, WV
Simpson Creek Baptist Church , Bridgeport, WV
Union Baptist Church , WV
Executive Minister Mike Sisson (1) (2) (3)
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